20 março, 2011

Is really a pity what happened in Japan?

What happened in japan is one of the worst disasters in human history. No doubt about it. I didn't like to watch the scenes of the tsunami or the earthquake that television keeps showing over and over again. As curiosity, as a way to atract more propaganda and more money of their companies.

Anyway, that's no my problem. What I'm focussed is the way everybody is feeling for Japanese souls.

Almost all people are feeling sorry and wishing the best for Japonese people in Japan. All these sentiments remind me the country's position in world's economy. One of the top 10 countries!

What does it mean? They produce a lot of goods. What does it mean? They are one of the poles of money concentration in the world. What does it mean? Their wealthy is part of the sufferness of people from Africa, Asia and América.What does it mean? So many things I'm do not want to write about now.

Let's be focussed in economy. We could say Japan invested its money in tecnology. To do it, the took people out from country side, built nice cities, and settle a plan to import commodities and export tecnology. Not so simple of course, but an abstract is that, Japan not only built cities and concentrade people on urban enviroments, but built eletrical and nuclear plants to supply the eletricity they will need to balance positively the economical balance.

Now they have a problem. Not only their problem but a world problem. The nuclear plant has been hardly affected and their is a risk of leaking or even explosion of nuclear products. An event that will really affect every citizen in the world.

Imagine any poor country that was negociating with Japan. Selling cotton, soy, petrol, iron, fruits, sugar, whatever, those kind of priceless commodities that must be sold by tons to by any computer tecnology or whatever. Those producers could have problems with nuclear leaking. This can contaminat the water and soil, it can travel through the sky, as clouds, raining chemistry nuclear products to all over the world. It can destroy the gain of thounsands of families and many countries.

Everyone is feeling pity of Japan. But honestly, they are one of the responsables for the economical situation we facing. Sooner or later, Japan will reborn. No doubt of it. But what about the inheritance of a nuclear leaking. Is something to be seen and talked later. But we cannot have sorry feeling now. We must stop to think about the direction we taking. Is this way of living good enough? What is good?

Don't feel sorry. Think!

2 comentários:

Tames Moterani disse...

muito bom..
as pessoas se comovem com a mídia. a mídia se promove com a comoção das pessoas.
por que as pessoas não se comovem com os indigentes do dia a dia?
por que não se comovem com o sofrimento de tantos trabalhadores em condições miseráveis? com tanta injustiça? com tanta crueldade com crianças? com tantas pessoas que morrem de doenças para as quais já se sabe a cura?
eu sei porque. porque esse sofrimento não aparece nas telas em câmera lenta com música dramática.
somos conduzidos, manipulados, a chorar pelo que querem que choremos.
mesmo caso do que aconteceu com a catástrofe no Rio. catástrofe ou crime.. reprisado diariamente, de manhã há noite. nada pior do que o que já acontece cotidianamente neste Brasil.
a mídia quer destacar acontecimentos como extraordinários. não há nada de extraordinário.
não se esqueçam: desgraças acontecem o tempo todo em todos os lugares. bem próximos de você. fora do alcance da tv.

leogarin disse...

O pior de mostrar a exploração das trajédias ambientais no Japão é a valorização da tradição e conduta orientais. Sempre sendo mostrados como um diferencial quase biológico. E que comparativamente aponta a falta de "capacitação" de regiões abandonadas e desprovidas de riqueza no globo.
O desastre ambiental causado pelo homem é muito pior que o causado pelo terremoto ou pelo tsunami. Nós sim somos os responsáveis. Tanto o que diz respeito a concentração populacional quanto a conduta desenvovimentista promovida pelo capital.