05 novembro, 2009

Through the dificult way to make money, I go under the understanding of racionality to keep living and keep going.

Through the dificult way to make money, I go under the understanding of racionality to keep living and keep going.

Wake up, wash up, eat up, get ready and go.

Go to the repetitive action that make me get money, to allow me to do the same things again and again and again.

Is very funny when I remember the beginning of my professional carrier. I mean, the professional position I develop now.

Two years ago I started a carrier as cashier in a small supermarket in a foreign country.

Beyond the cashier position I´m a average staff. It means, I do all kinds of stuff in the shop.

After a year working there my boss came to me and offer me another position in the shop. Now I´m assistent manager. Well, it doesn´t mean a great difference between staff and assistent manager - out of more responsabilities.

Anyway, I got the opportunity and I still in the same position for a year. It means I´m working in the same place, doing the same things, with the same people, for more than two years time!

Being honest, It´s not big deal. I thing more than half of the world´s populations is doing the same at the moment. Worst maybe, they can do the same in worst conditions than me.

But I still have thoughts. I mean, this kind of position, this kind of work, kills your brain. In the beginning you still thinks about differente ways to do your job and so on. But after a long time doing the same thing, you don´t whant to think any more. You just want to work, get what you deserve (your money) and go home. With your friends, with your family, with people who likes you and want you thinking and not doing repetitive actions the best you can.

When I started in this position, I don´t know if was because of my immaturity or just because my lack of knowledge about this kind of work, but I thought was posible to avoid the "death of the brain" and keep up with my lectures and my self-exploration on things I really like.

Books, blogs, social activities, social interaction, library usage and so on.

I kill my brain when I kill my body working eight hours a day stand up, in my duty as a cashier.

Out, of course, the hours I LOST preparing my self to go and came back from the slavery.

(as a good labor I save money going by bicicle to work - 1h30 go and return)

For the one´s who wants a advice, I say you still have options to free yourself (or free your mind) from the "killing chain" of our economical system.

-First and the most difficult - leave everything behind and live wild. (here is a example of some one who make it - www.guardian.co.uk/environment/green-living-blog/2009/oct/28/live-without-money/)

-Second and probably the last option - Try to busy our life. Make a lot of things, travel, study, do a course that you never thing about. Go out. Meet people. Watch sports. Go wild. Go natural high. Feel the power of the people around you. Look them on the eyes. See other cultures, other religions, other people different of you

Well, that´s the way I try to keep my brain alive.

I want it working, for good.

Because of that I want other job, another fucking life.

choose life

2 comentários:

ratsun disse...

Hi, leogarin.
I'm Ratsun from EnglishCafe.com. I read your blog. I had the same experience when I was working in a convenience store in my home country. Yeah, it was REALLY boring. I could not keep working so I stopped working in a month. I will not have that kind of works any more unless I have difficulty to live. Some people might likes easy jobs or for some people might feel difficult to deal with this kind of work still. But you might be more motivated to learn and challenge others. I am not sure if you are easy to get more challenging job in your country; because of culture difference and current world wide recession. But if you want to challenge works using your brain, you can be ask somebody in your community to get your interested job information.

When you knock the door, the door will be open for you.

moveiga disse...

penso...a dificuldade em morar em um outro país é, o fazer com que as pessoas de cultura e educação diferentes entendam o que as palavras não conseguem explicar...mesmo depois de 2 anos ainda me sinto extremamente frustada quando todos os dias pela manhã o meu "bom dia" fica no vácuo e as pessoas nem se quer olham...

isso se resume a "fucking life" prefiro fazer algo mais produtivo.

Meu trabalho não é braçal mas isso não me impede de ter frustações, muito pelo contrário, trabalho em um local o qual é considerado no meu país de origem o inicio da vida educacional...e no país aonde vivo no entanto, é tratado como um local onde: pais muito ocupados deixam os seus filhos. Sem ao menos se preocupar com o desenvolvimento mental, emocional, fisico e psicologico do filho...
e onde o "staff" é somente isso "staff" e nada mais.

Concordo plenamente com você Leo em achar que podemos ser alguem melhor e progredir mais intelectualmente estando perto daqueles que amamos e brigando pelas nossas causas...

Pelo simples fato de que algumas coisas nunca serão entendidas...